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Thieves stole $30 million in cash in Los Angeles: this is the largest cash robbery in the city

Thieves stole $30 million in cash in Los Angeles: this is the largest cash robbery in the city
Thieves stole $30 million in cash in Los Angeles: this is the largest cash robbery in the city

Thieves stole $30 million in cash in Los Angeles: this is the largest cash robbery in the city

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On March 31, thieves stole $30 million in cash from a money vault in Los Angeles. The loss was discovered only the next day, reports the BBC.

Photo: iStock.com/erhui1979

This is one of the largest thefts in Los Angeles history.

It is unknown who and how committed this crime. Officials said it was “carefully thought out.” The Los Angeles Police Department and the FBI are jointly investigating the case. Read about three schemes used by street thieves in the USA in our article.

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The alarm didn’t work

No alarm went off and no one knew that the thieves had broken into the San Fernando Valley property. There, cash from local businesses is processed and stored in a special room.

According to media reports, presumably experienced burglars entered through the roof. Only a small group of people knew that so much money was kept in the building.

Only on April 1, the institution’s staff opened the vault and discovered that a huge amount was missing. The safe showed no external signs of forced entry.

According to media reports, the theft occurred at a GardaWorld facility in the suburban Sylmar area.

A news helicopter flying over the scene spotted an apparent hole in the side of the building with debris nearby. It is unclear if this is related to the burglary.

Other historical robberies

The largest robbery in Los Angeles history occurred in September 1997. Then Dunbar Armored Inc. $18.9 million was stolen. Police eventually arrested six men, including a former employee.

In 2022, thieves robbed an armored truck about 90 kilometers north of the site of Sunday’s robbery. While the guards were distracted, the thieves grabbed dozens of bags containing antique jewelry and precious stones.

The stolen goods are estimated at more than $100 million. No one was arrested.

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Last year, thieves at the Toronto airport stole more than $15 million in gold and cash. An aviation container with money arrived at the airport. He was taken to a truck yard where police believe the robbery took place.

This is one of the largest robberies in Canadian history.

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